“Metaverse collection museum”

publish:2024-03-29 10:28:07   views :12216
publish:2024-03-29 10:28:07  

Project Name: “MetaverseCollection Museum”

Client Name:Yihui

Client Introduction:YIHUI is an emerging operating company focusing on the collection, distribution and exchange of digital collections in the metaverse.


Starting from July 2022, Newbanla will provide comprehensive NFT product design and marketing promotion services for YIHUI's "Metaverse Project". These services will cover a wide range of tasks, including creating NFT product design, advertising and marketing plans, advertising copywriting, visual design, and implementing extensive marketing promotions. In addition, Newbanla will also manage YIHUI's extensive digital marketing promotion on multiple digital platforms including WeChat, YouTube, TikTok, Baidu and Google. This will involve ongoing content creation, updates, publishing and daily maintenance on these platforms. The ultimate goal of this cooperation is to enhance Yihui's "Metaverse Project" through strategic online promotion strategies to promote large audience traffic and increase brand awareness.

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Newbanla Technology Services Pty Ltd
Address:69 William Street, Norwood 5067 ,South Australia
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